Welcome to Action For Sustainable Efficacious Development & Awareness (ASEA)
Expanding its wings and making it more formal entity YUG CHETNA got it registered in the name of ACTION FOR SUSTAINABLE, EFFICACIOUS DEVELOPMENT AND AWARENESS (ASEA), Rishikesh in the year 1995. The Society is registered under Societies Registration Act No. 21 of 1860 at Dehradun (Uttarakhand). The registration no. is 447/1995-1996. ASEA continued to engage itself in creating mass awareness to accomplish sustainable and efficacious development with social growth and upliftment to comply with the main theme of objectives of the Society.

Publication Frequency
4 Issues per year – March|June|September| DecemberENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION JOURNAL
(An International Open Access Journal Devoted to Conservation of Environment)
Environment Conservation Journal is an Open Access | Peer-Reviewed/Refereed journal. It provides a platform for researchers and scientists to publish scientific research views in the field of agriculture, biological and environmental sciences to promote the speedy propagation of quality research information. ECJ aims to publish original research/ review papers/ Book reviews/ Reports on conferences/ seminars/ important events, news of interest/ information on forthcoming seminar/ books on the environment related aspects. It encourages submission of two categories of papers. The first category comprises scientific papers and second category comprises engineering papers. The study of environment is inherently multidisciplinary. Therefore, the Journal publishes wide range of topics.
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